Contribution 5: HR Planning

Human resources planning is the process through which organizational goals, as defined in business plans and mission statements, are translated into staffing-level objectives and integrated personnel programs and policies. HR Planning is concerned with the flow of people into, through, and out of an organization.

HR planning focuses on getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. The concept of HR Planning stood out to me because my work just had our quarterly meeting. During the quarterly meeting we discussed our overall financial results and our forecasts on where we want to be.

One specific segment of our company was extremely below what was expected of them to be at in this point in time. This specific segment of the organization has been adding a lot of new positions but not getting the results they needed to make. Obviously during the quarterly meeting it was brought to attention that the HR planning for this segment of business was not carried out very well.

The segment was adding too many people into the organization at the wrong time. The people we did bring in were not meeting expectations of the organization. Therefore, the manager of this department was let go earlier this week and now we will be in the whole new process of hiring a new manager for that division. This time I feel the HR department will plan a little better for the expectations of the division and hire the right person and the right time.

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